Air conditioning for Mosques, community centers, churches, places of worship.
We at Seasonal control are pleased to see the investment made by places of worship such as mosques churches temples and synagogues in trying to ensure the most comfortable experience for their worshippers. It is a well-known fact that increasing numbers of worshippers gathering in the premises need to have a cool environment with improved air quality. Merely having over 30 people in a confined space can considerably increase the temperature of the ambient room temperature.
The wrong seasonal temperature could impact the focus for worshippers greatly and put their health at risk. Investing in good air conditioning units which are specifically designed for large spaces would add extra blessings to any space. Our goal is to help the places of worship give the visitors and worshippers a comfortable experience and encourage them to keep returning.
Get in touch with our qualified engineers who would be more than happy to advise on the most suitable solution for the site.
With any energy prices skyrocketing is essential that units and appliances are used in the most effective and optimal ways by minimizing any disruption and damage caused to other appliances generating heat in the same facility.
Likewise, Air conditioning units in Mosques, churches, and synagogues should be regularly serviced to mitigate expensive repairs and maintenance costs especially as we understand many of places of worship are funded by generous donations from the community or government grants which needs to be used in the most effective and efficient manner
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